The pissed me goes; FINE. Then be so annoyed and done with everything with some other bitch then. I'm trying to be happy for you so you can have a happy girlfriend to support you. I don't want you to have to deal with my fucking problems. That's why I'm trying to do this.
The sad me goes; fine..I'll just sleep and sleep and sleep and you can go find another girl and be happy cause that's the main importance.. I'll support you..
The logical me goes; stop talking. Stop. Talking. To him. Tonight. You're just gonna screw yourself over and it's not gonna end well and this fight is just really stupid because he isn't telling you much and you're too emotionally overtaken. Stop.
The emotional me goes; fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm sad. Fuck. I'm pissed. Fuck. I guess I'll just go be a little bitch in a corner by myself.
The rest of me goes; WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SO FUCKED UP YOU LITTLE BITCH. stop talking to yourself and go vent your feelings so you don't screw things up with a guy that you love. Now go.
And then sleep. And just hope for the best. Why do I hafta love a guy when I'm not even close to good enough for him..