Tuesday, June 5, 2012


so...i'm taking a break. 
from what? i have absolutely no idea. 
i have no excuse to take a break. to be procrastinating at this very moment writing this post. 

my grades are SHIT. and i have almost no time to bring them up..
my piano...starting hell this term. 

summer?! oh yeah... so much fun in the sun. 

1) summer class at UCLA. no fucking lefo.. and as much as i'm trying to see the positive side to that. it sucks. 
2) seniors are leaving..
3) summer AP hw. 
4) seniors graduating...
5) summer band and band camp. 
6) seniors are freakin leaving!
7) BYU summer class shit. 
9) worrying about next year's school year. all my AP's, SAT's, work(?), volunteer, college apps, etcetc. 
10) oh. did i mention? seniors. are. going. to. be. gone... 

i'm going to be a senior. and as much as no one reads this. 

someone please. help. me..